Access to justice through collaborative action
Shining a light on climate-forward organisations
Fellows in Action: A Global Effort to Support Ukrainians
Transformative solar education in schools across Aotearoa
The decisive decade for humanity’s future on earth
Shifting the equity conversation from aspiration to action
Getting the Whole World Humming After a Crisis
Powering Purpose with Electric Utility Bikes
Making Aotearoa an Innovation Nation
Building Aotearoa’s Leaders of Tomorrow
Media Release: New Zealand experience behind environmental “awakening” for world-leading scientists
Crowdfunding land stewardship in Regional Aotearoa
Ko te wānanga, kei a koutou kē. The knowledge is within you.
Supporting grassroots innovation at the edge of the map.
Tackling marginalisation and oppression with restorative finance.
Decentralised social media by and for the people
Discovering founder kaupapa outside the valley
Celebrating the ways of being
Elevating connectorship to create change
We are really good at seeing and naming separate, boundaried ‘things’, but we are less good at talking about, understanding, appreciating and valuing the in-between - the connections and relationships - the stickiness that holds any greater whole together.
Expanding the global footprint of New Zealand stories
How did Doc Edge film festival triple its audience in the middle of a pandemic? EHF Fellows, Alex Lee, and Dan Shanan set a great example of how to flourish in the switch to digital.