Unlocking the potential

As an organisation, EHF supports Fellows to accelerate NZ’s innovation system and grow Kiwi businesses by starting and scaling ventures, leveraging global connections, providing mentorship and investment. Fellows are transforming and democratising technologies, tackling inequalities and working to empower youth, Māori and Pasifika, through advocacy and system redesign.

Tā Mātou Moemoeā (Our Vision)

To Inspire Global Leadership and Solutions for Future Generations

To encourage each of us to put our full human potential to work in collective service of our planet and our people.

Tā Mātou Take (Our Purpose)

Partnering with Aotearoa NZ to Solve the Toughest Problems

Partnering with NZ, we want to build solutions to global challenges from our own backyard, which inspire global leadership

Tā Mātou Takohanga (Our Commitment)

Recognising and Honouring Te Tiriti (The Treaty)

Committed to recognising and honouring our responsibility as Tangata Tiriti (People of Treaty), we are on a journey of partnership with Te Ātiawa Taranaki Whānui as Mana Whenua (indigenous people of the land) from Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, the birthplace of EHF.

Closer alignment for positive impact

EHF was established as a social enterprise to have a positive impact on the world, supporting and advancing the purposes of its parent organisation, the Hillary Institute, with a focus on Aotearoa inspiring global leadership and solutions for future generations and anchored in the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi).

To unlock the potential of two extraordinary groups -  Laureates and Fellows - the Hillary Institute and EHF have a single board and unified management structure to ensure close alignment between the two organisations.

Unlocking and Enabling the Potential of the Fellowship

As an organisation, we focus on three key strategic areas of activity:

Bring focus and function to creating a place of belonging and community, connecting Fellows to Fellows and supporting self-organising communities, to ensure the mana and collective leadership of the Fellowship is unlocked.

Activating a Thriving Fellowship

We do this by:

  • A well-designed Welcome Experience to support and enable

  • Partnering with Mana Whenua to introduce Fellows to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Aotearoa NZ as a bicultural nation

  • High-impact events/programme

  • Visa and residence support

  • Weaving self-activating communities

Partnering with Aotearoa NZ

Bring Fellows and New Zealand leaders together around challenges we face, with solutions that can have a global impact. It requires focus - for example, climate action or transformative industries such as blockchain.

We do this by:

Inspiring Global Leadership

We have powerful and inspiring stories within the Fellowship. Now we must bring them to life, through impact case studies, human stories, evidence, artefacts that can inspire NZ and the world.

We do this by:

  • Powerful storytelling

  • Collective impact reporting

  • Internal/external communications

  • Stakeholder/partner engagement

The Small, But Mighty Team Behind the Fellowship

Core Team

Group CEO - The Hillary Institute & Edmund Hillary Fellowship

Rosalie Nelson

Michelle Parker

Head of Fellowship Experience

Head of Communications and Engagement

Kelly Ley-Dahm

Aynslie Harper

Communications & Engagement Advisor

Dallas Hopkins

Community Activator

Sinead Watson

Shiori Dalton

Team Co-ordinator

Senior Accountant

Specialist Support

Jaqueline Phillips

Fundraising Lead

EHF Board

EHF Director & Hillary Institute Trustee

Andrew Hoppin

Anne-Marie Brook

EHF Director

EHF Director

Brad Leibov

Hana Maihi

EHF Director

Nathaniel Calhoun

EHF Director

Matthew Monahan

Founder, Edmund Hillary Fellowship

Yoseph Ayele

Founder, Edmund Hillary Fellowship

Brian Monahan

Founder, Edmund Hillary Fellowship

Mark Prain

Founder & Kaitiaki, Hillary Institute

(Whanganui, Taranaki Whanui, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngāti Raukawa, Nga Wairiki, Ngāti Apa)

Hine Poipoi - Connector

Huia Lambie

Tamahau Te Rau

Cultural Advisor

Outgoing EHF Director & Hillary Institute Trustee

Anna Kominik

Outgoing EHF Chair
Hillary Institute Chair

Camia Young



The EHF Team and Board is incredibly grateful to Fellows and friends of EHF for their generous donations and support. From those who supported EHF in its early stages, which enabled the Fellowship to grow and create outsized impact, to those who have recently responded to the call to take the Fellowship to the next level - we are extremely grateful.

This support signals confidence in EHF’s direction and belief in the potential of this amazing Fellowship. Support has come from across the globe with messages of how the Fellowship is making a difference in so many ways.  

We would like to formally recognise all those who have supported EHF and those who wish to remain anonymous.

EHF Anchors

Aaron Bird, Anita Baldauf, Brad Leibov, Cristián O'Ryan, Chris Gagne, Courtney Klein, Craig Clemens, Debbi Brainerd, Doug Steiner & Jasmine Herlt, Jason Franklin, Jason Mortimer, Laina Greene, Melat Yosef, Mike Hart, Ruth Martin, Sara Sutton, Sean McGrail, Shama Skinner Amalean, Steven Moe, Thiago Costa Cañellas, Uri and Kat Lopatin, Yonggang Wang, Anonymous

EHF Supporters



If you want to be part of a small, dynamic organisation, check out our available roles. Being part of the EHF team gives you the opportunity to work with inspiring global innovation leaders who are committed to NZ as a basecamp for global impact.

Available Roles

There are currently no vacancies open